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Showing posts from April, 2020

Day 13 & 14 First day of school

So school started again! We did some basic English today and will be working on math and science later on. This is via google classroom and zoom, which is saving our lives. My sibling did the scavenger hunt riddle math thing that I did in Minecraft and enjoyed it, so I'm happy about that. I also talked to one of my friends this morning for half an hour. I did a Kahoot with the Rainbow PYY and came in second! That was really fun and I liked it.  But anyways, hope y'all are staying safe and enjoying life! Yesterday we made brownies, again from our favourite special edition of Everyday Foods from Martha Stewart.  Here is the recipe if you are interested in trying it. 

Days 11 & 12 Minecraft

So I skipped yesterday, because basically all I did was Minecraft. In it I am creating a scavenger hunt with riddles and math and history facts for my sibling. That way I can play a video game as school work!😆 We also played a Kinect Adventure game on the old Xbox 360 (I know, it's ancient ) which is a game you have to move around for. It's pretty fun.